在中端价格带,耐克更是面临诸多新老品牌的夹击。 作为回击,2023财年,耐克陆续推出竞速跑鞋 Vaporfly 3、越野跑鞋 pegasus trial 4、缓震级慢跑鞋 Invincible 3。唐若修表示,耐克将在下一季度正式推出ReactX Infinity 4跑鞋。「这只是我们重振跑鞋产品线的一个开始,随着明年夏天巴黎奥运会的到来,我们将推出更多的产品。
Invincible 2 and Infinity 3 in performance running; high sell-through and full price realization across key footwear franchises, such as Air Force 1, Dunk and the Air Max 270 and broad-based growth across men’s, women’s, kids and Jordan on improved inventory...