addressable market and Ideal Customer Profile. Gain competitive edge with triggers that tell you when and how to engage with NIKE Inc. NIKE Inc (NIKE) designs, markets, and distributes athletic footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessories to men, women, and children. It markets and distribute...
NIKE Inc - Company ProfilePowered by All the sales intelligence you need on NIKE Inc in one solution.Register your interest Save hours of research time with a comprehensive Sales Intelligence Solution. Understand how NIKE Inc fits into your total addressable market and Ideal Customer Profile. Gain...
A company profile of athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories designer, marketer and distributor Nike Inc. is presented. An overview of the company is given, along with key facts including contact information, number of employees and revenues. A business analysis is provided which ...
are high-tech crystallization nike公司英文简介 nike是世界上最大的运动品牌之一,受到消费者的广大好评,那么你知道它的英文简介吗?下面由店铺为你提供的nike公司英文简介,希望大家喜欢。 nike公司英文简介 Nike, Inc. (pronounced /naki/; NYSE: NKE) is a major publicly tr 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式...
COMPANY PROFILE -Nike Business Sector :Sports Goods Operating Geography :North America, United States, Global About Nike : Nike, Inc. is an American multinational corporation that was founded in the year 1964 as blue-ribbon sports by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, went on to become the world’...
Nike, Inc.(/ˈnaɪki/)is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, in the Portland metropolitan...
Founded in 1964, Nike is one of the largest global sports brands. The company designs and sells athletic footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories, and services worldwide. In addition, Nike markets apparel with licensed college and professional team logo
Nike,Inc.(pronounced/ˈnaɪkiː/;NYSE:NKE)isamajor publiclytradedsportswearandequipmentsupplierbasedintheUnited States.ThecompanyisheadquarterednearBeaverton,Oregon,whichis partofthePortlandmetropolitanarea.Itistheworld’sleadingsupplierof athleticshoesandapparel[3]andamajormanufacturerofsports equipment,withre...
becameNike,Inc.onMay30,1978.Thecompanytakesitsname fromNike(Greek,pronounced[nǐk]),theGreekgoddessofvictory. Nikemarketsitsproductsunderitsownbrand,aswellasNikeGolf, NikePro,Nike+,AirJordan,NikeSkateboarding,andsubsidiaries includingColeHnike公司简介英文版n,HurleyInternational, ...
Nike, Inc. is the owner of a number of brands, including Nike, Converse, and Jordan, and the company is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, United States. Some of the other big players within the industry are adidas, Puma, and Under Armour. Show more - Description Published by , Jan ...