✔Nike+ FuelBand 防汗式设计适合在运动时使用 防水 防水 防汗 设备的防水等级。 与Windows 兼容 ✔Nike+ FuelBand 这是与PC和笔记本电脑上运行Windows操作系统兼容。 与Mac OS X 兼容 未知。欢迎您提供建议值。 (Garmin Vivofit) ✔Nike+ FuelBand ...
Huawei Band 4 Pro Nike+ Fuelband SE 设计传感器活动追踪连接电池功能应用和软件 92 分 25 分 为什么Huawei Band 4 Pro优于Nike+ Fuelband SE? 防水 ? 防水vs防水 具有心率监控仪 ? 具有卫星导航系统 ? 监控血氧水平 ? 有智能警报 ? 自动侦测活动 ...
利用Nike+ Connect 的 Nike+ 装置:Nike+ SportBand、Nike+ Basketball、Nike+ Training、Nike+ SportWatch GPS 以及 Nike+ FuelBand。 Apple 设备(iPod nano、iPod touch、iPhone)可以连接到您的计算机并通过 iTunes 将训练计划上传至 nikeplus.com。 Nike+ Connect 系统要求 要使用 Nike+ Connect,您必须有一台...
Fuelband在手机上的配套软件也更新了,新的软件更直观,设计更时尚,社交分享功能是更新的重点:你可以给自己的运动打上标签并分享到不同的社交网站。如前所述,移动方面的app是iOS专属的,WP甚至Android都可以说再见了。没有iOS的用户只能使用Nike+ 在Windows和Mac上的软件将运动数据同步到Nike+网站。N...
Nike+ Fuelband使用说明 下载安装程序,将腕带连到电脑USB口上。设置腕带,注册Nike+账户。 在/setup/fuelband网站下载腕带安装程序。或者使用以下下载地址: /nikeconnect/installers/windows/Nike+Connect_Installer.exe 如果插上腕带后电脑报错说无法连接,请关闭您电脑中的杀毒软件,以及windows自带的防火墙(在控制面板中)...
Nike FuelBand review Path rolls out API, partners with Nike to appeal to runners Now Nike wants to lure developers to the platform and expand the business in much the same way that Apple has created a platform with iTunes and Microsoft has done with Windows. The logic is that as more de...
If Apple is building an iWatch, it's probably keeping a close eye on Nike's FuelBand right now. With the first FuelBand, Nike successfully built a life gamifier. It was a piece of fitness tech that you'd wear like any other watch or wristband, not just something to put on for a...
http://howtonike.blogspot.com/2012/06/why-can-i-log-into-new-nike-webs... But I can login trough my macbook or iOS devices. Also activating my Nike Fuelband was impossible on a Windows system. Very strange problem ... 3 1 9...
I also use the UP24 band by Jawbone. Yes, Nike has the Nike+ Fuelband, but it didn't when I bought my UP24, which I happen to truly love, so I don't know how well those two products work in conjunction with one another. I know it will convert your workout into Nikefuel point...
i am having the same problem and it is affecting my ability to set up my fuelband. i've spent a ton of time on the phone with nike and the best they can come up with is that my ISP is blocking the cookie ... which is absurd. Reply User profile for user: lauraliznelson ...