Nike Book 1 The Nike Book 1 is the first installment in Devin Booker’s signature line with Nike. Taking on elements of the Air Force 1, the Blazer and the Air Jordan 1, Booker’s first signature silhouette embarks on a “Future Classic” design ethos. Meant to transcend the hardwood i...
#不买鞋存图# 之 Nike Book 1 “Lilac Bloom” 是薰衣草的颜色~ 📷 by id4shoes
Nike Book 1 EP “Sunset”舒适 防滑耐磨 低帮 篮球鞋 男女同款 紫色 发布于2天前 上海市 相关推荐 App内查看更多 这双阿迪达斯神鞋,谁穿谁爱! 猴子笑 49 🎧初夏ootd|已经迫不及待进入夏天啦 goodthingshoes 68 不是什么车都可以叫九号 #九号ninebot YwuuT 72 吴宣仪是“腿精”本精吧⁉️被美晕了...
据悉,全新 Nike Book 1 “Halloween” 将于 10 月 30 日正式登场。作为万圣节主题的球鞋,它不仅具备了一定的辨识度,更在设计和实用性上做到了完美平衡。对于球鞋爱好者来说,这无疑是一款值得入手的节日限定款。 总的来说,Nike Book 1 “Halloween” 的发布再次展现了 Nike 在配色设计和细节处理上的强大实力。
Nike Book 1 “Halloween” 万圣节主题新鞋惊艳亮相 随着万圣节的临近,各大运动品牌纷纷推出节日主题球鞋,为这一充满神秘与惊喜的节日增添更多色彩。作为全球领先的体育用品品牌,Nike 自然也不甘落后,近期释出了多款万圣节主题球鞋,再次展现了其在配色设计上的强大实力。其中,全新 Nike Book 1 “Halloween” 的官...
NIKE FIELD GENERAL 经典,无须多言 即刻选购 耐克迈柔Vomero 18 缓震大升级,跑感再进阶 立即选购 就得妳出手 2025萨布丽娜中国行 选购系列 Nike 24.7 系列 柔软舒适兼具有型质感,助你开启无界运动状态 即刻购买 运动由我风格 今日份Nike穿搭 立即选购
Gone is the Book 1’s typical pull tab on the heel, replaced by a red leather panel to better mimic the build of the Cortez. The shoe also wears the Cortez’s beveled leather near the eyelets, and the Swoosh and midsole feature the same red and blue treatments against a white backdrop...
Nike Book 1 TheNike Book 1 will be an awesome hoop shoe for some people. If you like 90’s style basketball shoes, this is a no-brainer. The Book 1 has everything you could ask for in terms of simplicity of design, quality of materials, and no-frills on-court performance. The Book...
Nike Book 1 TheNike Book 1 will be an awesome hoop shoe for some people. If you like 90’s style basketball shoes, this is a no-brainer. The Book 1 has everything you could ask for in terms of simplicity of design, quality of materials, and no-frills on-court performance. The Book...
Nike 2007 Prep Ballet Shoes Nike Book 1 关键词:700 元,复古 x 篮球 Nike 今年的「平底鞋矩阵」中,Book 1 显得颇为特殊,NBA 球员布克高度参与了 Book 1 的设计,融合并致敬了诸多 Nike 鞋款,如 AJ1、AF1、Blazer High,使得 Booker 1 成了复古趋势下的「时尚篮球鞋」; ...