Nike Limited Edition “Back to the Future” 耐克限量版鞋 “回到未来” ❔什么是”回到未来”? 👉来源于电影《回到未来2》中演员Machael J. Fox的穿着,有科幻般的外貌和自动系带功能。 ❔耐克回到未来多少钱? 👉 2011 年的原版 Nike MAG Back to the Future 复刻版在转售市场上的售价为 7500 美元...
耐克的篮球创新概念鞋,高帮设计,减震、耐磨、防滑等,其大的亮点在于能充电,鞋底一侧及鞋帮上的亮点。尤其是晚上,打开后,很是亮眼,走在街上十足的亮点。就是有点贵109999元起步,奢侈归奢侈,品质很棒,很值得欣赏及购买的哦~当然要合理消费哦~(价格为发稿时价格,实际交易价以商家新标价为准) 复制淘口令:$CfMX...
天猫 北卡Nike Air Mag回到未来Back to the Future McFly 417744-001-淘宝网历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名北卡Nike Air Mag回到未来Back to the Future McFly 417744-001-淘宝网
The Nike MAG which premiered in the 1989 sequel, Back to the Future II, was instantly one of the most coveted – but unavailable – shoes in history. In 2011, Nike finally released 1,500 pairs to the public to benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research...
事隔了25年,電影Back To The Future II(回到未來2)中那雙充滿未來感又有能夠自動繫鞋帶功能的鞋款雖然於2011年就推出了由Tinker Hatfield所設計的慈善拍賣限量版本,而且數量也是極少的1500雙,但就當時的科技是無法讓這雙Nike Air MAG擁有此種帥氣的功能。當時拍賣所得達到了600萬美元,這些金額全數捐給了Michael ...
NIKE 24.7 系列 随身质感,随时舒适 超感柔软,无界弹韧,让每天都舒适有型。 立即选购 选购女子系列产品 选购男子系列产品 选购所有Nike 24.7系列产品 按品类选购更多 中国大陆 © 2025 Nike, Inc. 保留所有权利 分类浏览 使用条款 销售条款 隐私政策
说到Nike 与《Back To The Future》,除了耳顺能详&买不起的 Nike MAG 以外, 80 年代的篮球鞋经典型号 Vandal High Supreme 是绝对不能忘记的。就在刚刚复刻完 OG 配色后,Nike 宣布将复刻《Back To The Fufutre Part.1》中 Doc Brown 身着的橙色 Vandal High Supreme,完全重现电影中的细节:橙色帆布搭配全...
On Tuesday, that vision came one step closer to reality, with Nike revealing that its self-lacing HyperAdapt 1.0 sneakers will go on sale November 28 for an as-yet unknown price tag. Okay, so they missed the release window for the 2015 “Air Mags” featured in the film, but hey, ...
ForBack To The Futurefans who remember when Marty McFly traveled to the future and had self-lacing shoes, now here is your chance to get your own!ESPN's Darren Rovell reports that Nike has announced the first pairs of self-lacing MAG shoes from "Back to the Future II"will be made avai...