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Nike Alphafly 3 M - Volt/Dusty Cactus/Total Orange/Concord €309.99 7stores Trending Nike Vaporfly 3 M - Sail/Crimson Tint/Guava Ice/Black €258.50 6stores Nike Wildhorse 8 M - Armoury Navy/Bicoastal/Green Frost/Pale Ivory €100.38 1store 3 Nike Revolution 6 M - Black/Iron Grey/Whi...
That logic's paid off. In the 2023 Chicago Marathon, running in the Alphafly 3 prototype during its official development window, Nike athlete Sifan Hassan clocked the second-fastest women's marathon ever and thelate Nike athlete Kelvin Kiptumset the new men's marathon world...
Jeff is Runner-in-Chief for, guiding the brand's shoes and gear coverage. A true shoe dog, he's spent more than a decade testing and reviewing shoes. In 2017, he ran in 285 different pairs of shoes, including a streak of 257 days wearing a different model. ...
Nike Men's Alphafly 3 I look forward to a recovery interval as much as the next guy would, but in these, I experienced an unprecedented level of momentum and energy that allowed me to outpace my usual 5-mile run. Unique details make the shoes a joy to wear: scalloped edges alon...