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“I wear Air Max shoes casually off the golf course all the time,” said Rory McIlroy in 2016.“Making it into a golf shoe really brings something new to the golf course. Not only is it different and very cool but it also performs well, giving me the comfort, traction and stability ...
耐克公司最近推出了称为AirZoomYorker的板球鞋,这种设计使鞋子重量较其竞争对手的要轻30%。2008年,耐克推出了AirJordanXX3系列鞋子,这是一款以环境为设计理念的高性能篮球鞋。WeAreWhatWeWear In2004,NikelaunchedtheSPARQTrainingProgram/Division.SomeofNike'snewestshoescontainFlywireandLunarliteFoamtoreduceweight.OnJuly...