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Let the lightweight feel of the Nike Air Zoom Maxfly More Uptempo take you there. Bounce at every step gives you the responsiveness to match your speed as you race to shatter personal goals. We added plenty of traction to give you extra grip for races from 100 to 400 metres with hurdles...
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Let the lightweight feel of the Nike Air Zoom Maxfly More Uptempo take you there. Bounce at every step gives you the responsiveness to match your speed as you race to shatter personal goals. We added plenty of traction to give you extra grip for races from 100 to 400 metres with hurdles...
就讓 Nike Air Zoom Maxfly More Uptempo 提供的輕盈腳感帶你衝破終點線。 每一步的回彈效能搭配比賽級數靈敏度,助你刷新個人紀錄。 大幅提升抓地力,為 100 到 400 公尺障礙賽提供額外止滑效果。 顯示顏色: 黑色/黑色/白色 款式: DN6948-001檢視產品詳細資料 評價(3) 5 顆星 發表評價 Great sprint spikes Id...