350元Nike实战鞋,舒适防滑耐磨! 这款Nike Air Max Impact 3篮球鞋,原本是临时凑数之选,但在某万达nike工厂店试穿后,以350元的价格拿下。打了几场后,发现它意外的好穿。 🌈 后掌缓震充足,全掌贴地性好,启动不拖沓,舒适度与功能性兼备。 🛡️ 鞋面支撑和包裹性强,水平方向防侧翻效果好,不易崴脚。 ...
在 Nike 的体系里,他们把核心目标群体称为“Young & Fast”(意指对创新有强烈渴求的年轻一代)。 3、数字化营销持续发力: 一是Nike+ 热度在中国持续升温,通过数字化渠道、线上线下社区联动,Nike 在收集数据的同时进一步将品牌理念注入消费者心中;二是 Nike 官网功能进一步完善,越来越多的消费者选择官网购物;三是...
TheNike Crater Impactis part of the brands sustainability journey to transform trash into shoes that tread a little lighter. - Advertisement - Made from at least 25% total recycled material, this latest offering arrives in pastel tones making them perfect for the spring season. The shoe comes c...
Nike has launched new Sports Bands and Sports Loops for the Apple Watch in its online store, with the additional color variants for the Nike+ branded straps adding three more options for fitness-oriented users to equip to their wearable devices. Surfacing in the Apple Watch N...
Last year's Nike+ Apple Watch Series 3 wasn't much different from the standard version making it a bit tough to choose between the two models. This year, with the introduction of the Apple Watch Series 4, AppleInsider shows you everything that's differen