Nike Air Force 1 '07 'Triple Black' ¥61+ Nike Kobe Bryant x Air Force 1 Low 'Lakers Away' ¥179+ Nike Off-White x Air Force 1 Low 'Brooklyn' ¥779+ Nike Wmns Air Force 1 Low 'Valentine's Day 2025' ¥81+ Nike Louis Vuitton x Air Force 1 Low 'Triple Black' ¥4,787...
「Lakers Home」以「White」做主轴,鞋身两侧的 Swooshes Logo 以呼应 Los Angeles Lakers 主题的「Court Purple」点缀,鞋跟外侧饰有黑色的 Kobe Bryant 签名,鞋舌和鞋后跟处皆印有「University Gold」色调的 Mamba Logo。#HB球鞋# (Credit: Knowing_kicks) ...
Basketball shoes autographed by Los Angeles Lakers legend Kobe Bryant limited edition 1/8 with signature certificate of authenticity. The certificate was issued by the Panini company number PA35008...
已逝球星 Kobe Bryant 在 2000 年赢得了生涯首座总冠军,后来他也将这别具纪念意义的冠军戒指赠与父亲 Joe Bryant,同时也为母亲 Pamela 制作了一枚相同规格的复制品,现在其父持有的原版冠军戒指将正式登陆 Goldin 进行拍卖,该戒指的戒圈和底座皆采用 14K 金制成,并镶有 40 颗钻石,考量到 Kobe Bryant 的传奇地位,...
An image of Kobe's basketball sneakers made by Nike for the end of the 2007-08 NBA Season and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Here the shoes in colors purple, white and yellow.
An image of Kobe's basketball sneakers made by Nike for the end of the 2007-08 NBA Season and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Here the shoes in colors purple, white and yellow.
to satiate the lakers legend’s demand for increased quickness, nike cooked up a revolutionary low-top silhouette for the kobe iv. “the conventional wisdom was that a high-top gave you the support you needed,” johnsongriffin says. “kobe was always challenging that.” the pared-down cut ...
By Eric Pincus
此次合作的 Packer Shoes x adidas Forum Low Pack 每种颜色均采用高品质材料和柔和的调色制成,并搭配了白色滚花皮革鞋面。前脚掌处的孔眼、网状鞋舌以及鞋眼和鞋跟覆盖层上的绒面革覆盖层确保了透气性。三条纹引人注目,以纯色、棕色和蓝灰色装饰,为整体设计注入活力。据悉,Packer Shoes x adidas Forum Low Pack...
Kobe Bryant's Retirement Jerseys Can Be Yours for $524.08 USD: Show your love for The Black Mamba.