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1/14/2015 – It was the penultimate round of the Australian Open 2015. The Chinese GM Ni Hua was up against the young Australian IM Moulthun Ly. At this point Ni Hua stood at 8.5/9 with a 1.5 point lead ahead of his nearest rival. Instead of playing it safe, he went on to win...
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See Ni-hua Jen's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Ni-hua Jen's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
See Nemonte Nihua's contact, representation, publicist, and legal information. Explore Nemonte Nihua's credits, follow attached in-development titles, and track popularity with STARmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
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A Tri-Lingual Language Vocabulary Book: An Investigation of Ying Hua xiannihuasi zaziwen and a Reevaluation of Its ValueWang Ze-weiChinese Studies / Hanxue Yanjiu