16. Muir KW, Weir CJ, Murray GD, Povey C, Lees KR. Comparison of neurological scales and scoring systems for acute stroke prognosis. Stroke. 1996;27:1817-1820. 17. Frankel MR, Morgenstern LB, Kwiatkowski T, Lu M, Tilley BC, Broderick JP, Libman R, Levine SR, Brott T, for the Nati...
The scoring rules are there to assure reproducibility, across users of all different backgrounds, whether it’s a neuro nurse, a neurologist, or an ED physician. The government is now looking at outcomes based on stroke severity, so all of a sudden, this scale that we invented for ...
[1]Mishra NK,Albers GW,Christensen S,et al.Comparison of ma-gnetic resonance imaging mismatch criteria to select patients for endovascular stroke therapy[J].Stroke,2014,45(5):1369-1374. [2]Beslow LA,Kasner SE,Smith SE,et al.Concurrent validity and reliability of retrospective scoring of the...
Different types of scoring, such as final scores of 0 to 1, or change scores of 1, 4 or 8 points, have been used to reflect a favourable or unfavourable outcome in recombinant tissue plasminogen activator stroke trials.2 The NIHSS is a strong predictor of outcomes after stroke. Prediction ...
美国国立卫生院卒中量表(NIH Stroke Scale, NIHSS) 是一种用于评估脑卒中患者临床状况的标准化工具。该量表通过一系列评分项目,能够全面反映患者的意识水平、凝视、视野、面瘫、四肢运动、肢体共济失调、感觉、语言和构音障碍等多个方面的情况。以下为每项测试的详细说明和评分方法:1. 意识水平(LOC):...
美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NlHStrOkeScale,NIHSS) 姓名性别年龄住院号 病区病床入院日期检查日期 项目 得分 Ia.意识水平:即使不能全面评价(如气管插管、语言障碍、气管创伤及绷带包扎等),检查者也必须选择1个反应.只有在患者对有害刺激无反应时(不是反射)才能记录3分。 0清醒,反应灵敏 1嗜睡,轻微刺激能唤醒,可...
One of the scales used to assess impairment is the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). Objectives: To know the correlation between smoking status and functional degree of acute ischemic stroke patients as measured by NIHSS. Method: ...
NIHSS是指美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale),用于评估中风患者的严重程度。根据NIHSS评分,可以将患者分为不同的严重程度组别。 首先,根据NIHSS评分,可以将中风患者分为以下严重程度组别: 1. 0-4分,轻度中风。 2. 5-15分,中度中风。 3. 16-20分,中重度中风。 4. 21-42...