Advancing the Evidence Base for Social Work in Long-Term Care: The Disconnect between Practice and Research This article reviews the research literature relative to social work practice in geriatric long-term care (LTC) settings with the aim of determining the st... K Simons,N Shepherd,J Munn...
Petra Goebbels Koch
People living with dementia make up a significant proportion of the adult population using health and social care services [1] yet historically this group could be excluded from research participation [2]. Over the past two decades, a growing literature has both argued the importance of involving ...
While transitional care is being addressed in the clinical setting, there is little to address the difficulties associated with the transition in health and social care research. Additionally, this age range faces novel issues such as higher education, leaving home, starting careers or relationships....
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Rehabilitation Enablement in Chronic Heart Failure (REACH-HF) facilitated self-care rehabilitation int... The Rehabilitation EnAblement in CHronic Heart Failure (REACH-HF) trial is part of a research programme designed to develop and evaluate a ...
nine National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRCs) were established in England in 2008, aiming to create closer working between the health service and higher education and narrow the gap between research and its implementation...
Building a successful National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) grant application is a daunting task, typically requiring several years of development. Numerous smaller preliminary 'feasibility' studies are required, demonstrating the need for the study, its impact on patient care and ...