Center for Cancer Research (CCR), National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, MD. The laboratory focuses on the biology of the thymic microenvironments that contribute to the generation of functionally
Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) located in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Clinical fellows would complete the program in their second and third years of training. For PhD candidates, the applicant could have expertise in any of the following areas: Statistics, Bio...
cover letter describing research experience and interests, curriculum vitae, bibliography, and contact ...
CONTACT NAME Yousuke Takahama E-MAIL ADDRESS 更多最新博士后招聘信息请关注博士后招聘网微信公众号(ID:boshihoujob) 祝君:学业有成、学成归来 请您在邮件申请时在标题注明信息来自:博士后招聘网,电话咨询时说明从博士后招聘网(看到的博士后招聘信息。
The NIH offers training and certification in the administration and scoring of the stroke scale. An overview of the scale is listed below. The stroke scale items should be presented in order and the score should be reported after each numbered category has been assessed. The score should be ba...
Announces applications for grants from the Fogarty International Center and other U.S. National Institutes of Health components for collaborative training programs on AIDS international training and research. Scope; Deadline; Eligibility; Program priorities; Contact information....
To determine the number of R01s per investigator, the NIH Contact Person ID was used to identify discrete NIH investigators and then the number of R01s awarded to that ID, excluding supplements, counted. In the case of multi-PI grants, sole credit for the R01 was given to the contact ...
2 Center Dr., Bethesda, MD Pinned NLPrePublic Python library for Natural Language Preprocessing (NLPre) Python17728 Relative-Citation-Ratio-ManuscriptPublic This repository contains code for the Relative Citation Ratio manuscript ...
Oakden-Rayner, and my own analysis: "I believe the ChestXray14 dataset, as it exists now, is not fit for training medical AI systems to do diagnostic work." This doesn't discount convolutional neural networks from being able to predict diseases, but this is dependent on the labels being ...
through research into prevention and cancer biology, the development of new interventions, and the training and mentoring of new researchers. For more information about cancer, please