NIH R Grant OutlineResearch Grant Outline2. Specific Aims—1 pageState concisely the goals of the proposed research and summarize the expected outcome(
Use those ideas to write your specific aims page (more on that below). Send those aims to your PO and ask whether it sounds like something the institute would be interested in. If not, change your aims or apply to a different institute. Do this early! Your PO may not get back to yo...
Specific Aims ( cont .) Specific Aims ( cont .) Specific Aims ( cont .) Specific Aims ( cont .) NIH Institutes ( cont .) R01Informatics, Health
NIH Specific aims 11 12 14Holloway, Susan DDomínguezPareto, Irenka
An Example of Specific AIMS in NIH StyleSchlumberger, ESuiro, LDeborde, a S