故事基金封面Nature研究人员资助"R01 Research Project Grant"是美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的原始资助机制.并且仍然是最重要的资助机制之一。R01对卫生方面的研究工作提供支持。相关研究工作既可以是由研究人员自己发起的,也可以是应NIH的要求进行的。但一项R01资助并不是永久性的,失去这样一项资助会意味着一个实验小组...
到了2017年,学者A申请到了第一个R01项目。R01 R Research Project Grant是NIH的原始资助机制,并且仍然是最常见、最重要的资助机制之一。R01主要对卫生方面的研究工作提供支持,被用来资助已经独立的研究人员完成一个长期完整的课题。但一项R01资助并不是永久性的,失去这样一项资助往往意味着一个实验小组或研究小组的...
主题词: NIH 美国国立卫生研究院 故事 基金 封面 Nature 研究人员 资助 摘要:“R01 Research Project Grant”是美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的原始资助机制.并且仍然是最重要的资助机制之一。R01对卫生方面的研究工作提供支持。相关研究工作既可以是由研究人员自己发起的,也可以是应NIH的要求进行的。但一项R01资助...
NIH的研究基金分四种:研究项目基金(research project grant, RPG)、研究中心基金(research center grants)、小企业创新研究一-小企业技术转让基金 (small business innovative research—small business technology transfer grants.SBIR-SBTTG)及其它研究基金。研究项目基金重点资助科学家的个人申请,项目按R、K、P、U等分...
were credited solely to the contact PI. This conforms to Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research ranking procedures and how the NIH tracks awards. Thus, we counted each grant only once in our analysis. We acknowledge that some investigators classified as “unfunded” may be MPIs on one or ...
The agency plans to increase the average annual value of a grant from $80,000 in 1997 to $90,000 in 1999, and to stretch its average duration from 2.3 to 2.7 years. In keeping with the administration's commitment to research on faster Internet links, the Computer and Information Science ...
In parallel, from a total of ten, and each will receive The second basic research project cen- they will genotype the HLA of the lym- substantially more funding than that ters on a more unconventional approach phocytes used to determine the best, meted out by the country's other grant-...
Summary statements from the Nursing Research Study Section, Division of Research Grants, NIH, between October, 1986 and June, 1988 were used to identify reasons for recommending approval or disapproval of grant applications with RO1 and R29 activity codes. The 917 comments (25 +/- 4 per critiq...
two spirits. Through the course of this project, we aim to develop the research infrastructure at the six community agencies comprising our participant recruitment sites in order to facilitate future goals of designing and evaluating interventions to address the ...