White House to discontinue the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Science Education as part of a science education funding reallocation plan. The Office of Science Education provides free lesson plans and materials to middle and high schools on various scientific topics, including ...
NIH- an agency in the Department of Health and Human Services whose mission is to employ science in the pursuit of knowledge to improve human health; is the principal biomedical research agency of the federal government National Institutes of Health ...
在NIH总共有27个研究所和研究中心(institutes and centers,ICs),其中的24个ICs中约有6000名科学家用了大约10%的NIH预算资金开展研究工作,这些中心被称作为IRP。中央NIH的技术转让办公室(Office of Technology Transfer,OTT)管理着实验室科学家的研发专利和授权,负责技术转让的ICs职员把科学家的研发成果汇报给OTT并与...
重要的 是,卫生署新法规授权 NIH 成立实验动物福利办公 室 ( Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, OLAW) [4-6,9] ,它作为 NIH 直属单位对 NIH 主任或 主任办公室负责,同时拥有直接向卫生署提交监管 报告的法定权利和职责,一直主导 IACUC 体系和全 美实验动物管理事务至今...
Office of Science Policy, Office of the Director, US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA Dina N Paltoo, Rebecca Baker, Kristofor Langlais, Erin Luetkemeier, Taunton Paine & Amy Patterson National Human Genome Research Institute, US National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Marylan...
NIH先后任命了数据科学副主任和首席数据战略家,并设有数据科学战略办公室(The Office of Data Science Strategy,ODSS)以及科学数据委员会(NIH Scientific Data Council,SDC)和数据科学政策委员会 (NIH Data Science Policy Council,DSPC)两个内部委员会。数据科学战略办公室主要负责领导NIH数据科学战略计划的实施,科学...
The NICHD Office of Data Science and Sharing (ODSS) is leading an effort to develop frameworks and tools to support responsible use of privacy preserving record linkage (PPRL) for patient-centered outcomes research with NICHD populations. This effort is supported by NIH ODSS and the HHS Office ...
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Post-Doctoral Associate in the Division of Science [Mathematics] - Dr. Francesco Paparella NYUAD seeks a Post-Doctoral Associate in applied mathematics and computational science to work under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Paparella. Abu Dhabi (AE...
根据熟悉该项提案的人士透露,特朗普提议在2018年削减国家卫生机构(Natioanl Institution of Health,NIH)60亿美金的经费-这接近总经费的20%。同时,能源部科学办公室( Department of Energy's Office of Science)也面临着近20%的经费削减,高达9亿美元。 NIH是由政府支持的、世界领先的医学研究组织,致力于临床医学,...