Maryland, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington state). Another 13 states have a single NIH-funded institution among the top 50 listed here—most notably the University of Florida, which just missed the top 50 inlast year’sGENA-List. ...
NIH releases list of labs with embryonic stem cell colonies meeting criteria for government funding.(National Institutes of Health)(Brief Article)
List of individuals (e.g., competitors) who should not review the application and why. Disciplines involved, if multidisciplinary. Statement that required NIH approval documents are included (e.g., budget over $500K/year; approval for conference grant proposal; cooperative agreement, etc.) For la...
Interested applicants should send a CV including a publication list and the contact information of references 51访学网专注国外访问学者申请服务,已积累不计其数的成功访学案例,如麻省理工学院、哈佛大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、安德森癌症中心、梅奥诊所、麻省总医院、布莱根妇女医院、JHU医院、...
Candidates with prior experience in chromatin biology, genomics or single-cell biology are especially encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should send a CV including a publication list and the contact information of references
Please create a free account at to access the Administration and Technical Manuals, supplemental materials, and list of publications. With the purchase of this app, you will immediately have access to tests in the Emotion, Motor, and Sensation domains. Tests in the Cognition...
The proposal must indicatethe objectives of the project and briefly describe how the project will be conducted,including a summary of the analysis plan, if appropriate. The proposal must state whichcases are to be included in the data set, e.g. list the study numbers and describe anyexclusion...
1.National Institutes of Health, United States -结构生物学博后招聘 Position Description: The research group of Dr. Robin Stanley at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is seeking candidates for postdoctoral fellows. Th...
References cited:The NIH doesn’t require a specific format for citations, but they want you to list all authors instead of using “et al.”. No page limit. My application had 60 references, and I’ve seen anywhere between 20 and 90. I think 60 is a bit high but I wanted to make...