在NIH总共有27个研究所和研究中心(institutes and centers,ICs),其中的24个ICs中约有6000名科学家用了大约10%的NIH预算资金开展研究工作,这些中心被称作为IRP。中央NIH的技术转让办公室(Office of Technology Transfer,OTT)管理着实验室科学家的研发专利和授权,负责技术转让的ICs职员把科学家的研发成果汇报给OTT并与...
supportingmedical,health,andbehavioralresearch.Itconsistsof27InstitutesandCenters(ICs) andtheOfficeoftheDirector(OD).Inaddition,theAdvancedResearchProjectsAgencyfor Health(ARPA-H),firstfundedinFY2022,isestablishedasanindependentagencyhoused withinNIHtoadvance“high-potential,high-impact”biomedicalandhealthresearch.Ne...
The NIH is composed of 27 Institutes and Centers (ICs), each of which has a defined scientific mission, and most of which support imaging research. Each NIH Institute and Center has unique scientific priorities and ways of funding those priorities. Imaging in oncology is supported through a ...
Utilizing the online NIH RePORT, we obtained comprehensive award data for US dental schools by funding NIH Institutes/Centers (ICs). Fifty dental schools were awarded a total of $974.393 million, 69.3% from NIDCR and 30.7% from 21 other ICs. These provided the majority of support to 12 ...
“Immunetics is pleased to partner with SeraCare on a project that has significant implications for HIV detection and treatment,” said Andrew E. Levin, Ph.D., Immunetics chief executive officer and scientific director. “We look forward to developing an HIV incidence test that i...
欧堡锅炉说明书一 Aalborg_MISSION OS boiler and AV-4 boiler 热度: National Institutes of Health Sponsored by: NIH Consensus Development Conference on Rehabilitation of Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury 热度: JoAnneGoodnight NIHSBIR/STTRProgramCoordinator ...
Participating ICs Participating ICs Also see PHS 2004-2 SBIR/STTR Grant Solicitation NIAAA NINDS NIDCD NIA 26 26 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-04-028.html NHLBI NIAID NINDS NIDCD NIA http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AI-04-005.html ...
Participating ICs Participating ICs Also see PHS 2004-2 SBIR/STTR Grant Solicitation NIAAA NINDS NIDCD NIA 26 26 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-04-028.html NHLBI NIAID NINDS NIDCD NIA http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AI-04-005.html ...