Funding, C O SSearch, OpportunitiesNIH grants policy statement. Retrieved December 6, 2009, from Grants Policy Statement[OL].,2008....
grants,contracts,andotherawards.InoutbreaksandfortheCoronavirusDisease2019 FY2025,NIHexpectstosupportresearchpandemic.Giventhatthisreportexaminestrendsin performedbymorethan300,000individualsregularannualappropriationstoNIHforthenormal whoworkatover2,800hospitals,medicaloperationsoftheagency,amountsprovidedtoNIH schools...
图5-1 NIH的主页页面展示:它分卫生信息(Health Information)、科研基金(Grants&Funding Opportunities)、新闻(News&Events)、NIH科研培训与资源、下设机构(Institutes,Centers&Offices)、HIH介绍(About NIH)五大类目。用户可按需深入各栏获取信息。第二节 NIH下属研究所和其它机构点击首页Institutes(/icd/),即进入NIH...
二、首创研究工作 点击主页 Initiatives(首创研究),可知其主要首创研究活动是:蛋白质结构(PSI)、药物遗传学研究网络(PGRN)、合作研究(Glue Grants)。三项研究活动之下,各包含丰富内容,是为深入NIGMS 内容的关键通道。 (一)如展开PGRN,它提供背景信息、全国研究网络、教育资料、研究资助机会、新闻、会议报告等。PGRN ...
While the Biden administration thinks its grants remain on sound footing, the HHS official said Becerra's affidavits were intended to bolster defenses against challenges that might upend them in the courts. The committee questioned the legality of that move. Among the issues it flagged were thereti...
On 24 June, it described the actions it will take when alerted to reports of unsafe behaviour, including restricting scientists from peer-review panels, holding back pending grants and refusing university requests to transfer funding to other institutions in cases where a harasser changes jobs. ...
NIH Grants Policy Statement . Publications, citations, h-index, the number of NIH grants, and amount of support were dependent on academic rank and years of activity (P < 0.0001)... COS Funding,O Search 被引量: 3发表: 2009年 Funding Research With NIH Grants: A Losing Battle In A Flaw...
She was the recipient of the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association’s Distinguished Career Award, the highest recognition of contributions to research and mentoring in the field. In addition, Marrazzo has been a principal investigator on NIH grants continuously since 1997 and has served fre...
A review by the US Office of Inspector General found that only about half of the scientists running clinical trials funded by the NIH in 2019 and 2020 appropriately recorded their findings in a federal database, as is legally required.
书书书 2016年第8期 科技管理研究 ScienceandTechnologyManagementResearch 2016No 8 收稿日期:2015-05-14,修回日期:2015-08-24 doi:10 3969/j issn 1000-7695 2016 08 034 美国科技项目监督体系 ———以科技计划管理专业机构NIH为例 潘昕昕 (科学技术部科技经费监管服务中心,北京 100038) 摘要:研究美国以专业...