Reports on the increase in the number of grant applications on human embryo research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) after the decision by a panel of lawyers, ethicists, and scientists to lay out guidelines on what types of research are ethically permissible. Encouragement of the use...
You will find all the PubMed papers with a specific name you used for a search, select your paper followed by selecting the grant you wanted to make the addition, and submit the request for the formal process. The RePORTER registered members are also notified of every new posting and result...
-Search Results can show you -Grant Type -Grant Number -Project Title -PI and Co-PIs -Funded Year -Funded Amount -Funding Starting and Ending Years -DunsID or Duns number -Project summery -Keywords Uutta 20. kesäk. 2019 Versio 2.1 ...
In June, NIH scientists reported using transgenic zebrafish with fluorescent blood vessels to search for new genes involved in artery development. A zebrafish model of T-cell leukemia has also been reported, highlighting the potential of using the fish to find cures for cancer. Burgess's lab is...
Looking for Success Mary McCabe, RN, of the National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Treatment (DCT) introduced the session on best case series. She said DCT, as part of its search for possible new cancer therapies, developed the concept of the best case series in 1991. Under this appro...
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they assign to the applicants, what we found is that reviewers are internally very consistent," says Pier. "The thing that surprised us was that even though people are internally consistent, there's really no consistency in how different people translate the number of weaknesses into a score."... search termsNumber of resultsNumber of completed trialsNumber of trials currently recruiting COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-24105 completed 5 withdrawn 192 1st row terms + vaccine28015 1st row terms + tocilizumab16010 1st row terms + hydroxychloroquine61122 ...
And yet, in search of grant money, fame, and discoveries, virologists funded by the NIH conducted such experiments involving ACE2-infecting HIV chimeras with minimal oversight. Their work gave us Sars-CoV-2 and the Covid pandemic.Again,Sars-Cov-2, a recombinant chimera carrying HIV ge...
Table 1 Keywords and phrases used to search the NIH RePORTER database Full size table Changes in funding sources of MISST research In addition to cumulative increases in the number and amount of funding allocated to MISST research, the number of institutes, agencies, and centers supporting this...