NIH Announces First Pioneer Awards
发现频道拍摄的NIH的first in human,里面也都是真实的患者,有些治疗失败,拍摄结束几个月就后离世了。 看人间世哭了。知道这是个悲伤的纪录片,只是没想到我会这么悲伤 。医院,是离死亡最近的地方,在这里,生命变得脆弱不堪
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is working with pharmaceutical company Moderna on the first experimental vaccines for HIV based on a messenger RNA platform, the same technology used in vaccines for COVID-19 made by Moderna and Pfizer. The study, called HVTN 302...
《NIH releases first dataset from unprecedented study of adolescent brain development》 《NIH首次发布青少年大脑发育研究数据集》 美国国立卫生研究院向科学界发布了一项来自青少年脑部认知发展(ABCD)研究的无与伦比的数据集。迄今为止,已有超过7,500名青年和他们的家属被招募参加这项研究,远远超过半数的目标。从前45...
“In addition to our veteran scientists who received NIH funding, several early-stage faculty members received their first NIH grants,” said Julene Johnson, PhD, Associate Dean for Research. “The increased NIH funding that we secured in 2021 is a reflection of the innovative nature of our fac...
An email circulated among NIH staff from Tabak did not explain why he was abruptly stepping down, which multiple people familiar with the decision said came earlier than he was planning. One person said he did not plan to retire until at least the fall. ...
aThe first full series of scans of the developing adolescent brain—a National Institutes of Health (NIH) project that studied over a hundred young people as they grew up during the 1990s—showed that our brains undergo a massive reorganization between our 12th and 25th years. The brain doesn'...
The U's medical researchcomprises a breadth of topics, including cancer detection, prevention and treatment, stem cell therapies and more. The medical school completed the first bone marrow transplant in 1968 and the first successful open-heart surgery in 1952 and developed the first wearable, batt...
U.S. high school students, show us your science! Learn more » Know Your Blood Pressure Numbers High blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease. Knowing your numbers is the first step to controlling it. Learn more » Celebrate NIDDK's 75th Anniversary ...
图片来源于NIH官网 Kids have a lot to learn in their first five years of life. They learn to walk, talk, and eventually to start reading. But while kids can pick up walking and talking naturally, they must be taught how to read. Children who st...