NIH firing: a shot across the bow? (Edwin Becker fired from National Institutes of Health procurement position)Booth, William (English archbishop)
Kennedy has also called for the firing of hundreds of NIH staff members, a task that will be difficult without congressional action. Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed....
In March, Pfizer began studying an oral antiviral drug with the hopes of treating COVID-19. The company said the drug in the trial, which is currently being conducted in the U.S., has already shown promising potential in treating people infected with the novel coronavirus as well as other ...
FDA to Rehire Scientists After Trump’s Firing Spree: Reuters February 24, 2025· 2 min read· Tristan Manalac Vaccines CDC Vaccine Advisory Board Meeting Postponed Days After RFK Jr. Confirmation February 21, 2025· 2 min read· Tristan ...
The Department of Energy responded to the leak by firing the consortium of universities that had operated the laboratory. The new contractor had been making some progress in improving its relations with the laboratory's critics in the community (see Nature 400, 303; 1999). But Michael Forbes, ...
Indeed, Jangraw notes a saying in neuroscience: Neurons that fire together, wire together. Brain cells communicate by firing messages to each other through junctions called synapses. Cells that regularly connect—for example, when a musician practices—strengthen bonds into circuitry that forms an e...
I propose that fainting (vaso-vagal syncope) is caused by the sudden invagination of the walls of underfilled atria and great veins when their intraluminal pressure no longer exceeds intrathoracic pressure, leading to anomalous collapse-firing of veno-atrial stretch receptors. Impulses there from caus...
circadianfiringrhythms.Neuron,1995,14:697706. [5]LiuS,CaiY,SothernRB,etal.Chronobiologicalanalysisofcircadian patternsintranscriptionofsevenkeyclockgenesinsixperipheraltis suesinmice.ChronobiolInt,2007,24:793820. [6] 左晓虹,蔡彦宁,李宁,等. 小鼠纹状体时钟基因表达的生后发育. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, ...
Protections aside, Bertagnolli thinks firing her staff is short-sighted. “The brain trust here is unparalleled worldwide. I very much hope that whoever comes in as the new director preserves that,” she said.WELCOME TO FUTURE PULSEBrasov...