“Barriers at the home institution” were mentioned for “minority investigators pursuing primarily cancer health disparities research”. For example, “although NIH requires the writing of minority recruitment plans by its grantee institutions, it currently neither evaluates how nor even whether such ...
researchers have already done part of what they say they will do (And use that data to support the application), and will use part of the funds to work on other things they may want to work on so they
12,13 Even regulatory bodies like the IRB face difficulties, as shown in our prior work where we learned how risk assessment was often inconsistent and how policies to guide decision-making were non extant, leading to delays in grantees initiating their NIH supported research.14 We believe that...
I am skeptical about whether that can work and certainly think theBayh-Dole Act, unless you want to go ahead and change it, makes a lot of the things
城市初中生英语口语表达能力存在的问题及培养对策研究-- 以长春市三所中学调查分析为例The Problems of Urban High School Students'Spoken Englishand the Research of the Training Methods-- The Re.. 热度: 幼小衔接中儿童人际交往能力培养的问题及对策研究Research of Problems and Countermeasures of Children'sIn...