The nomination, which is awaiting Senate approval, comes after months of concern that scientific issues would become an...doi:10.1016/S0166-2236(00)01781-1Lianna OrlandoElsevier LtdTrends in Neurosciences
Administrativesupplementswillbelimitedto25percentoftheInstituteAdvisoryCouncil-approveddirectcostsforthecurrentbudgetyearoftheprojector$100,000directcosts,whicheverisless.Awardswillbeforoneyearandtheexistinggrantmusthaveatleastone(1)yearofactivefundingremainingatthetimethatthesupplementisawardedonSeptember30,2023. ...
FY22 US Budget Proposal Brings Benefits for the NIH At the end of May, US federal agencies released their budget proposals for fiscal year 2022 (October 1, 2021-September 30, 2022). Unlike in recent years, when Congress, which modifies and approves the budget, was more divided among parti...
That smooth sailing continued into the new year. In March, the program was mentioned in the NIH budget as one of the agency's potential projects for the coming years. Then, say sources in NIH and elsewhere in government, came Tabak's sudden decision in April, which was not communicated to...
December 2013 approved a two-year spending bill which cancelled the FY2014 and FY2015 required sequestration cuts (i.e., 4-5% National Institute of Health (NIH)/National Cancer Institute (NCI) budget reduction initiated on March 1, 2013), but extended the sequestration period through FY2023. ...