在Apple 播客上收听Office of Extramural Research频道的《All About Grants at NIH》播客。
Official website of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH is one of the world's foremost medical research centers. An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the NIH is the Federal focal point for health and medical research. T
If you are a registered member of the RePORTER module, you can make data corrections of genuine errors by submitting a proper request to do so, or – in the case of the NIH grantee – you can add omitted information about your grants, such as missing paper. For Correction: The Contact ...
NIH Funded 257 Grants on Covid Social DisparitiesJanuary 07, 2022 Dr. Marty Makary, a medical doctor and researcher at Johns Hopkins, said the NIH funded “257 grants on social disparities” related to COVID-19 “but only four” on the coronavirus's spread. ... ...
WebMD:Talk about the “Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities” initiative. Pérez-Stable: We funded 38 research grants. Most are observational, looking at associations among structures causing adverse outcomes. We’ve fou...
页面展示:它分卫生信息(HealthInformation)、科研基金(Grants&Funding Opportunities)、新闻(News&Events)、NIH科研培训与资源、下设机构 (Institutes,Centers&Offices)、HIH介绍(AboutNIH)五大类目。用户可 按需深入各栏获取信息。 第二节NIH下属研究所和其它机构 点击首页Institutes(http://.nih.gov/icd/),即进入NIH...
The focus of the research will be to learn more about ApoE4 and how and why it affects Alzheimer’s disease.
The NIH makes it very easy to find information via good, clear site layout Six major headings (Health Information, Grants & Funding, News & Events, Research & Training, Institutes at NIH and About NIH) across the top of the homepage direct traffic well, all offering greater granularity ...
NICHD to Support Evaluation of Copper Release Characteristics of 3D-001in a Preclinical Model, as Company Prepares for Phase 1 Clinical Trial...
extramuralresearchthroughgrants,contracts,andotherawardstouniversitiesandotherresearchinstitutions.About11%of NIHfundinggoestointramuralresearchersatNIH-operatedfacilities.AlmostallofNIH’sfundingisprovidedintheannual DepartmentsofLabor,HealthandHumanServices,andEducation,andRelatedAgencies(LHHS)AppropriationsAct.NIH ...