Nightmare: Regia di Samuel Bayer. Con Jackie Earle Haley, Kyle Gallner, Rooney Mara, Katie Cassidy. Un gruppo di adolescenti viene perseguitato nei loro sogni da Freddy Krueger, un uomo orrendamente sfigurato e armato di un guanto artigliato, ucciso anni
Freddy Krueger, the villain from theNightmare on Elm Streetmovies debuted back in 1989 in a video game for the C64 and DOS platforms which got a sequel very fast. A Nightmare on Elm Street was also released for the NES by the pretty known developer Rare, but the game itsel...
Platinum Dunes’A Nightmare on Elm Streethas its share of deleted material. The film’s Blu-ray release includes an alternate opening and ending, and one brief deleted scene. More alternate or deleted footage can be seen in the Blu-ray’s Maniacal Movie Mode features and “...
A Nightmare On Elm Street Horror Movie Tribute Site at Horror movie reviews and information on A Nightmare On Elm Street series from They just don't make horror movies like this anymore.
That mysterious figure lurking in dark may be hard to see but here is your first look at Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger in 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'. Using the same title as the original Wes Craven film, it is a remake of the old film series, wit
歌曲名《A Nightmare On Elm Street (Freddy Krueger et les griffes de la nuit)》,由 Aktua Singers and Friends 演唱,收录于《Halloween and Horror Films》专辑中,《A Nightmare On Elm Street (Freddy Krueger et les griffes de la nuit)》下载,《A Nightmare On
A Nightmare on Elm Street Blu-ray Release Date October 5, 2010. Blu-ray reviews, news, specs, ratings, screenshots. Cheap Blu-ray movies and deals.
A Nightmare on Elm StreetR 類型: 恐怖 上映中: May 20, 2010 2.5 Freddy Krueger (Jackie Earle Haley) hat eine besonders perfide Methode, seine Opfer zu töten - er sucht sie in ihren Träumen heim. Nach und nach ermordet er die Jugend von Springwood. Als erstes trifft es Dean (...
《A Nightmare On Elm Street》(榆树街噩梦)系列电影作为80年代Slasher题材的后起之秀,拍摄年份虽不及《德州电锯杀人狂》《万圣节》《十三号星期五》久远,但其地位却是与以上几个系列平起平坐的。原因何在? 作为先驱的德州皮脸早在70年代就开创了杀人狂的标志性物件:面具。这一点Myers和Jason继承的都不错,也都...
英文片名 A Nightmare on Elm Street 中文片名 新猛鬼街 (2010) 类型 恐怖, 神秘, 惊悚 地区 美国 文件大小 8.71 GB, 蓝光 RiP 1080p 文件格式 MKV/x264 音轨 英语DTS 5.1 字幕 简繁英 IMDB评分 5.2 【影片原名】A Nightmare on Elm Street 【中文译名】新猛鬼街/猛鬼街(港)/半夜鬼上床:梦杀(台) 【...