锁, 休克& 每桶(Lock, Shock & Barrel),零(Zero),尸体的孩子(Corpse Kid),博士. 芬克尔斯坦(Dr. Finkelstein),融化的男人(Melting Man),杰克飞身窜(Jack Skellington),Oogie 布吉(Oogie Boogie),蛞蝓(Slug),蜘蛛(Spider),菜单 人物(Menu Characters
The Nightmare Before Christmas Coloring Pages 30 all-original free printable coloring pages of Jack Skellington, Sally, Oogie, Zero, Lock, Shock and Barrel and other characters from Disney's The Nightmare Before Christmas in PDF and PNG!
Characters from The Nightmare Before Christmas have also had cameos in Disney and Square Enix's role-playing game series, Kingdom Hearts. In the majority of these games, Jack acts as a partner to the main character. In the first game, Jack attempts to liven up Halloween by giving a heart...
原文: Nightmare Before Christmas, The 作者: BrianBahouth 文件总数: 3 张 压缩包 (3张,163K) 浏览压缩包 分享 收藏 举报 专辑分类: 游戏平台 : 手机(手游) 精灵 21369377 确定 取消 下载类型 免费 vip 确定 取消 多选 高级选项 大小 格式 分辨率(宽) 全部 (3) 杰克飞身窜(高分辨率)...