Nighthawk Dual-Band WiFi 6 Mesh System 1.8Gbps Router + 2 Satellites Enjoy advanced whole home WiFi designed to deliver smooth video streaming and fast online gaming to more devices at the same time. Using the latest WiFi 6 technology, it’s ideal for medium to large homes up to 300 m2...
Enjoy Nighthawk Router's new WiFi 6E technology: ultra-fast speeds, smooth streaming, and lower latency for streaming, gaming, and video conferencing. NETGEAR Armor & NETGEAR Smart Parental Controls.
评分详细 商品评价: 4.7 高 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: 3.9 低 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 美国网件(Netgear)夜鹰 Nighthawk 6 流双频 WiFi 6路由器 AX5400无线速度(高达5.4Gbps)RAX54S 黑色 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 进口税
Nighthawk 夜鹰 Mesh WiFi 6 主机路由Router (MR60)参数:WiFi覆盖范围:200平方米,上行链路和下行链路— 可提高网络容量和效率同步双频段 WiFi 6 AX18004 个高性能内置天线2.4GHz 和 5GHz 显式睿动天线技术MU-MIMO 支持同时进行数据流传输强大的 Qual-Code 1.5GHz 处理器内存:128MB 闪存和 256MB RAMAX...
同时,机身底部通过文字注释也能区分Router与Satellite。 路由器机身顶部布满了峰峦起伏的3D菱形图案,洋溢着满满的科技感。细看下发现,错落有致的图案下还隐藏了多个散热孔,有助于机器在酷热的环境下稳定工作。 Nighthawk 夜鹰 Mesh WiFi 6 主机路由Router (MR60)参数: WiFi覆盖范围:200平方米,上行链路和下行链路— ...
$49.99 Linksys 翻新Velop MX10600 AX5300 WiFi6 Mesh路由 2件套 查看详情 去购买 Amazon $184.00$249.99 ASUS ASUS RT-AX86U Pro AX5700 2.5G AiMesh 智能路由 查看详情 去购买 Amazon $24.99$49.99 TP-LINK TP-Link 8接口 智能管理型 千兆交换机 TL-SG108E 查看详情 去购买 Amazon $59.99...
Nighthawk Tri-band Mesh WiFi 6 System comes with a high-power router and two satellites to provide you with broad WiFi coverage, so you can eliminate dead zones by easily placing the satellites wherever needed. Set up in minutes and control your home's WiFi with the Nighthawk App. With ...
ASUS RT-BE58U BE3600 WiFi 7 AiMesh 智能路由 查看详情去购买 Amazon $219.99$249.99 ASUS RT-BE92U BE9700 WiFi 7 智能路由 已缺货 查看详情去购买 Amazon $49.99 Linksys 翻新Velop MX10600 AX5300 WiFi6 Mesh路...
近日,美国网件发布了全新的Nighthawk Mesh Wifi 6路由器,两件套装将于2020年1月开始发售,零售价格为229.99美元。 Nighthawk Mesh的2.4GHz和5GHz网络均使用2x2阵列,每个节点覆盖能够1500平方英尺,吞吐量最高可以达到1.8 Gbps。每个路由器节点都有两个千兆以太网端口,而每个卫星路由器都有一个用于插入有线设备的端口。
Enjoy Nighthawk Router's new WiFi 6E technology: ultra-fast speeds, smooth streaming, and lower latency for streaming, gaming, and video conferencing.