Systane Dry Eye Ointment Nighttime Therapy provides long-lasting relief for dry eyes while you sleep. This preservative-free ointment is designed to protect against dryness and irritation by forming a soothing, hydrating barrier on the eye's surface. Ideal for nighttime use, it ensures your eyes ...
SAFE FOR EVERYDAY USE, 6 MONTH STABILITY: OPTASE HYLO Night Dry Eye Ointment is safe for continuous night time use. Simply apply once onto the eyelids before bed for overnight ocular lubrication BALANCED FOR COMFORT: OPTASE HYLO Night Ointment is gentle and comfortable on the sensitive skin...
TREATMENT of dry eye syndromesOINTMENTSEYE carePurposeXailinNightisamulti-dosepreservativefreelubricatingeyeointmentfornight-timereliefofdryeyesensationsItcontainswhitesoftparaffin573%w/w,whitemineraloil425%w/wandlanolinalcohols02%w/wComparativestudieswereperformedwithXailinNightagainstothermarketedproductsintheEUin...