我对PhotoKit 感到惊喜。 我用过很多不同的在线照片编辑器,但是PhotoKit有最好的、直观的和功能强大的界面。它还具有广泛的滤镜,它们都很棒且易于使用。 —Patience, Digital Marketing 一款出色的照片编辑器 优秀的工具! 我第一次买它是为了在线抠图工具,但后面发现PhotoKit是一个综合的图片工具箱,可以在图片上完...
4, look low in the western sky to see the pretty, waxing crescent moon shining several finger widths below (or several degrees to the celestial south of) the brilliant planet Venus. The pair will share the view in binoculars (orange circle) and will make a pretty photo until they drop ...
Nighttime photography settings are a good place to begin: opening up your aperture, slowing down your shutter speed or (controversially) fiddling with your ISO (the sensitivity of your digital camera — comparable to film speed in a film camera). But you can also look for ways to adjust the...
The biggest problem with shooting the moon on an iPhone is withimage exposure. Because the moon is so small in the field of view, the camera won’t adjust the exposure settings to appropriately expose for the moon. Most of the frame will be taken up by the dark sky surrounding the moon...
You can also affect the color of the sky by playing around with thewhite balance settings(i.e., the Temperature and Hue sliders in Lightroom). This can create some pretty magnificent star photos. Take a look at this one photo that I edited three different ways, usingonlythe white balance...
Download this free photo of Thunderstorm Night Sky from Pixabay's vast library of royalty-free stock images, videos and music.
It’s easy to make sure all photos save as RAW while using Pro Mode on the Galaxy S20 Ultra. Go to Settings (that’s the gear icon) and toggle to "Save RAW copies." Learn more Doing it for the ‘gram Finally, the fun part: editing and posting. While you’re shooting, make sure...
If using Night Lapse Photo, set the interval to Auto Change the Shutter Speed to be at 30s (to capture maximum light) Swipe left to reveal Protune Settings Update the options: White Balance–4000K (Optimal for most situations), Min and Max ISO–800, Sharpness–Low, and Color to either ...
The Add Noise filter settings.Then click OK to close the dialog box, and Photoshop fills the layer with random noise:The result after filling the 'Stars' layer with noise.Step 4: Blur the noise with the Gaussian Blur filterNext, we need to blur the noise, and we can do that using ...
Make sure the gradient is set to Linear, Foreground to background, normal blending mode and 100% opacity (default settings). Step 7. With the layer mask selected, drag the gradient in the area between the 2 images to get a seamless blend. Watch the video above to see this in action. ...