The Night Sky helps you create a personalized custom star map that shows the alignment of the stars on the date and location of your choice. Custom star maps from The Night Sky have over 20,000 reviews from happy customers.
The Night Sky helps you create a personalized custom star map that shows the alignment of the stars on the date and location of your choice. Custom star maps from The Night Sky have over 20,000 reviews from happy customers.
The Night Sky helps you create a personalized custom star map that shows the alignment of the stars on the date and location of your choice. Custom star maps from The Night Sky have over 20,000 reviews from happy customers.
Night Sky+$41.99 Developer Website App Support Privacy Policy Supports Family Sharing Some in‑app purchases, including subscriptions, may be shareable with your family group when Family Sharing is enabled.Learn More Star Map Tracker: Skyview app ...
Welcome to theOctober Sky Map!This month, we highlight constellations. Who was the first person to record constellations? How many constellations are there? Are the constellations permanent? Let’s go stargazing—with our complimentary and printable map of the night stars. ...
The key features of Star Walk include real-time tracking of celestial bodies on the night sky map, augmented reality (AR) sky view, extensive information about deep-sky objects, and an astronomical calendar with various celestial events.
The free light pollution map tool lets you plot a specific point on the map for a Zenith sky brightness reading. In the example below, I can see thatCherry Springs State Parkis a Class 2 on the Bortle scale. Another easy way to measure the sky brightness of my backyard and the dark ...
+ SKY TAGS - Make Night Sky yours, by adding personal Sky Tags to the map! Pin Sky Tags to objects in the sky to save for future reference, and share them via iMessage so others can find them! Sky Tags can be categorized, and are completely personal to you. Maybe you want to tag...
Welcome to the Night Sky Map for July 2025! This month, we talk about the three “stars of summer,” which make up the Summer Triangle: Vega, Altair, and Deneb! Plus, learn why looks can be deceiving… Just click here or on the image below to open the printable map—then bring it...
Click here to see the same star map without planet paths; observers may wish to use the 'clean' star map as an aid to plotting the planet's position on a specific night - in which case, a printable version can be found here. Photographs of this region of the night sky can be seen...