The lack of fanfare over a potential first woman president is a dramatic shift from 2016, when breaking the glass ceiling was at the forefront of Hillary Clinton’s nomination. But even if she never said the words, Harris’ woman...
Although Harry is right that the Trump-ward shift of non-college-educated-white voters is not the full story, it is, of course, a huge part of it. This simple chart from The New York Times shows just how dramatic that shift is. Julia AzariNov. 9, 12:10 am Are We Looking At Anoth...
TalkCast 267 – Scott and David Goudsward March 14th, 2015 by Zombrarian | Posted in Podcast RIP Norman Lee Support Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion’s IndieGogo Project “Con Man” Sir Sarah’s Agents of SHIELD Weekly Love-Rant Support Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion’s IndieGogo Project “Con...
Not So Super Heroes New book that everyone needs to read alert: A Darker Shade of Magic KickStarterBoston Underground Film Festival: March 25-29, 2015 Tonight’s guests are editorsScott GoudswardandRachel Kenleyof Once Upon an Apocalypse. To learn more about this fun mix of zombies and fairy...