Night Owl Protect lets you view all of your devices in one easy to use mobile app. Monitor your home or business, in real-time, on your Smart Phone or Tablet. Easily share images and recordings via your favorite social network or through email and text. Staying connected to your devices ...
在英语中,它作为名词使用,常位于主语位置,用于描述个人的作息习惯和生活方式。然而,需要注意的是,它有时也可能被误认为是专指夜间活动的猫科动物,因此在使用时需明确其实际含义,避免产生歧义。Examples:She is a night-owl, thriving in the darkness and often working late into the night.As a night-owl...
(2017). Daydreamer and Night Owl: Comparing positive and negative outcome cases in an online, clinician-guided, self-help intervention for social anxiety disorder. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 13(3), Article 2, 217- 252. Available: http://pcsp.libraries.rutgers.e...
这样的设计使得Night Owl™台灯能够更加自然地融入各种不同的室内环境中。■ 新版Night Owl™台灯亮相。■ 新版Night Owl™台灯,以流动朦胧感打造“hygge”式生活方式。在追求舒适空间体验和设计美感的道路上,新版Night Owl™台灯成为了一股清流。其独特的流动朦胧感,不仅随性自然,更在细节中流露出纯正的...
night owl的意思是“a person who prefers to be awake and active at night”,即“喜欢熬夜的人;夜猫子”。这个短语源于16世纪,在莎士比亚的叙事诗《The Rape of Lucrece》中,用到了night-owl:This said, his guilty hand pluck'd up the latch,And with his knee the door he opens wide.The dove ...
雅思词汇:early bird, night owl night owl a person who enjoys staying up late at night 喜欢熬夜的人、夜猫子 The resort is a paradise both for sun worshippers and night owls with its fantastic weather and abundance of night life.这个度假胜地天气晴好,夜生活丰富,既是阳光爱好者的天堂,亦是...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Good-Night Owl宝宝幼儿童英语英文原版绘本小学启蒙图画故事书的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Good-Night Owl宝宝幼儿童英语英文原版绘本小学启蒙图画故事书的信息,请来淘宝
在淘宝,您不仅能发现晚安 猫头鹰 英文原版 Good Night Owl 2017年苏斯银奖 晚安主题图画故事 儿童英语启蒙认知读物 Greg Pizzoli 精装纸板书的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于晚安 猫头鹰 英文原
Prey of the Night is an endless runner! Become a night owl, soaring through an infinite forest under the moonlit sky. Skillfully avoid obstacles, hunt for prey to gain strength, and perch to regain...
One simple but important habit is to tell yourself what you’re studying for. Putting your dream grade(理想的分数) on the wall next to your bed or computer means you'll see and think about it every day. When do you work best? Are you an early bird, night o...