英文 中文 将“Night"翻译成中文 夜晚黑夜 Night n. darkness, bedtime, dark, nighttime, 夜晚, 夜是“Night"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:When the full moon falls down on the roof at night, all the farmers are woken up. ↔ 當夜晚滿月掉落在屋頂上時, 所有的農夫都被吵醒了。
While titles such as 'Harvest Moon' and 'Hunter's Moon' specifically refer to the Full Moon, the names taken from indigenous sources actually do not. Instead, they are the lunar calendar equivalent of the names of the months in the Gregorian calend...
It seems like I've heard all my life that "the crazies" come out during the full moon. My Grandmother and even my Mom would always tell us to be extra careful on those nights. And I'm pretty in touch with local incidents and crime, so if people are acting crazy that night, that ...
Most of the action occurs in the woodland realm of Fairyland, under the light of the moon. Act 1 Act 1 Scene 1 The play opens with Theseus and Hippolyta who are four days away from their wedding. Theseus is unhappy about how long he has to wait while Hippolyta thinks it will pass ...
“ We tested specularity and reflectivity to show detail that would read well in everything from crisp moonlight to foggy or smoky scenes. [src] ” — Sabrina Riegel, Head of Surfacing Sabrina adds that they had created a texture in which the Night Fury's skin resembled more of that of...
This diagram shows the Earth and Moon orientations during major and minor lunar standstills. The cycle represented by this is called the Cycle of Regression of the Nodes. (Scott Sutherland, based on a diagram by 'Another Matt' on Wikimedia Commons) ...
这里是《千年幻想乡~history of the moon》的点评【【中字】专业游戏音乐制作人Davi Vasc第一次听《千年幻想乡》-哔哩哔哩】【中字】专业游戏音乐制作人Davi Vasc第一次听《千年幻想乡》,可以试着看看!(如果想听完整曲) 听不惯原曲风格,也可以试着听听《东方凭依华》里的改编曲,我觉得里面许多曲子改编得相当...
Night elves (or kaldorei, for "children of the stars" in Darnassian[3]), are a powerful and mystical race whose origins extend back to ancient times, being one of the longest-lived and most ancient cultures in existence today. These then-immortal beings were among the first to study ...
A Niagara Parks brochure stated: “To see the Falls of Niagara at Night is to be Wide Awake in the Land of Dreams.” 一份介绍尼亚加拉公园景色的册子说:“在晚间观赏尼亚加拉瀑布使你有如置身在梦幻仙境里。” jw2019 When the full moon falls down on the roof at night, all the farmers ...
"My sons, the galaxy is burning. We all bear witness to a final truth -- our way is not the way of the Imperium. You have never stood in the Emperor's light. Never worn the Imperial eagle. And you never will. You shall stand in midnight clad, your claws forever red with the ...