Windows 10 Auto-Night-Mode 就能够帮助你按当地时间自动切换应用模式,并单独设置应用、系统、Edge浏览器...
Windows Auto-Night Mode是一款自动切换Windows 10暗色/亮色模式的软件,在每天不同时段将显示器切换不同的色调,看上去会比较舒适,软件可以根据时间自动切换系统色调模式,解决了目前win10系统没有该设置的问题,有喜欢的小伙伴快来下载吧! 使用方法 Windows Auto-Night Mode 的界面很简单,在界面的上半部分有三个选项,...
With the new Creators Update for Windows 10, Microsoft is introducing a new night mode to Windows 10. The new night mode, which Microsoft is calling “Night Light” allows you to sleep better at night. With Night Light, you will essentially be able to control how much blue light is emitt...
WindowsAuto-NightMode vAuto-Nighv1.3 系统其他软件等级: 软件大小:40.07MB 支持语言:简体中文 授权方式:免费版 软件分类:系统软件/系统其他 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-12-04 06:50:03 运行环境:WinAll,Win10,Win7,WinXP 厂商: 关键字: 屏幕调节软件 ...
✅ Settings screen of Win10Home is always on night mode and can't be switched off:I've got a PC with Win10Home. OF all screens only the settings gear screen is in night mode all other windows /Apps are normal . Trying to switch...
Windows Auto-Night Mode是自动调整Windows操作系统显示模式的优秀软件工具。Windows Auto-Night Mode可以根据日出和日落时间自动切换屏幕亮度和颜色温度,使用户在夜间使用电脑时获得更舒适的视觉体验,并根据用户设置的规则和时间表自动调整屏幕亮度和颜色温度,非常实用。
windows auto-night mode是一款专业的色调模式调整软件,这款软件在每天不同时段将显示器切换不同的色调,看上去会比较舒适,而且在界面的上半部分有三个选项,分别是暗色模式、亮色模式以及自动切换,非常简便。另外,Windows Auto-Night Mode还可以根据时间自动切换系统色调模式,其解决了目前win10系统没有该设置的问题,界面...
✅ My display can't not adjust with system's night mode in Win11:The first time the display is connected to the PC, it was not in night display mode, and after the first time I turned on the night light in Win 11, it...
Night mode, also known as dark mode or night shift, is a feature in many devices and applications that alters the color scheme of your screen to reduce eye strain in low-light environments. Instead of bright whites, it uses darker colors to make viewing easier on your eyes. ...
Night Mode 15次下载 相似应用,小编亲测可用 主题 13.7MB 查看 元气桌面壁纸 73.22MB 查看 爱壁纸 19.89MB 查看 49图库 90.6MB 查看 Requires root access.Supporter Devices:Galaxy NexusNexus 4This program changes device color profile to only red values. This is useful for military and night ...