Leaves are falling and the wind is growing colder. Strange things are happening as the light fades.And there's something in the woods.Join Mae on a trip through her hometown and into the dark on the other side.NIGHT IN THE WOODS is an adventure game focused on exploration, story, and ...
switch《林中之夜 Night in the Woods》英文版nsz下载+1.0.2补丁,这是一款独立风格的角色扮演游戏,以简约的漫画风格为大家呈现了一个荒诞的游戏世界,游戏的剧情精彩且颇具深度,感兴趣的玩家可以来体验一下。Night In The Woods 是一款专注故事、角色以及探索的冒险游戏,还有一些平台动作元素在里面。
《林中之夜》(Night in the Woods)确认登陆 Nintendo Switch!本作是一款注重探索、剧情和角色的冒险游戏,在繁茂、充满生机的世界中有着许多角色和事件等待着你的到来。本作曾获得 IGN 2017 年度最佳冒险游戏,以及来自 TGA 2017 和 GDCA 2018 的多个奖项提名等荣誉。《林中之夜》将于 2018 年 2 月 1 日发售,...
Active Gaming Media 旗下 Playism 预定于近日在日本 PS4/Nintendo Switch 主机上推出,定价 1,980 日圆的 2D 动作冒险游戏《Night in the Woods》(ナイト・イン・ザ・ウッズ),宣布决定于 3 月 28 日正式上市,并自即日起开放 Switch 版的预先下载让玩家们来先行下载安装。 《Night in the Woods》为...
林中之夜 Night in the Woods 补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/冒险 平台: PC/Mac/PS4/Xbox One/Nintendo Switch/Linux 开发商: Infinite Fall 发行商: Finji 预计上市时间: 2017-02-21 发行日期: 2017-02-21 想玩在玩玩过
Night In The Woods 是一款专注故事、角色以及探索的冒险游戏,还有一些平台动作元素在里面。 Mae 只想毫无目标的生活下去,跟朋友们在一起,搞些破坏什么的。于是她从大学退学,回到她千疮百孔的矿区的家乡,但是她发现,原来一切都不同了。旧城镇看起来不同了,她的朋友们也有着各自发展的方向。Mae 自己则接受了突如...
After it was rumoured last October that Night in the Woods would be coming to Nintendo Switch, we've finally got confirmation and, better yet, a release date. Night in the Woods is a wonderfully animated and colourful story which follows our anthropomorp
We are excited to be publishing physical versions of@NightInTheWoodson PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch later this year!#LRG3pic.twitter.com/5wAbRu26ss — Limited Run Games (@LimitedRunGames)June 10, 2019 Here is an overview of the game: ...
Night in the Woods also suffers some minor control issues; while the sets are beautiful and well designed, fluid and creative in the way they depict depth in two-dimensions, it can sometimes be frustrating to switch from foreground to background and some brief correction from time to time is...
类型 平台游戏,冒险游戏,独立游戏 题材 奇幻,剧情 开发商 Infinite Fall 首发日期 2/21/2017 发售日期 2/1/2018(Nintendo Switch - 北美)12/13/2017(Xbox One - 北美)12/13/2017(Xbox One - 全球)2/21/2017(Microsoft Windows - 北美)2/21/2017( - 北美)2/21/2017( - 欧洲)2/28/2017(PlayStation...