这是世间诸多温暖人心的,令人沮丧的,无可救药的角落之一,虽然游戏被命名为“林中之夜”(下文简称为NITW),但玩家并不需要在林中过夜,Mae有一个温馨的家,无论她再怎么搞砸自己的学业,人际关系和人生,仍然会有友善的面孔迎接她。 从做人(动物)的角度来说,Gregg有相当严重的问题,但拥有这样一位朋友是非常值得庆幸...
Angus跟我说‘Gregg is my corner’,而Bea跟我说‘You’re the closest thing I have to a sister. And I don’t want you to die.’当一切就要结束,我还是会选择逃离学校,回到这个小镇,和我的过去,和这个小镇的过去,和所有人的过去拥抱。
大概。主角美·波洛夫斯基(Mae Borowski)是一名辍学大学生,当她回到故乡负鼠泉(Possum Springs)时,却发现镇上有了许多变化。在和高中旧友狐狸格雷格(Gregg)、熊安格斯(Angus)和鳄鱼比亚(Bea)重聚之后,她的人生方向又会有怎样的改变呢。又或许,一切都毫无意义吧。游戏官网:http://www.nightinthewoods.com 展开更多...
包含4 件物品:Night in the Woods,Night in the Woods - Soundtrack Vol. I,Night in the Woods - Soundtrack Vol. II,Night in the Woods - Soundtrack Vol. III 捆绑包信息 -10% ¥ 140.40 添加至购物车 购买Finji Bundle捆绑包(?) 购买此捆绑包,所有 8 个项目立省 10%!
On the Hunt Gregg's Woods Grocery Shopping Dinner at Bea's Mrs Santello's Old Records Outskirts Mallard's Tomb Astral Train Harfest What?! Eide 喜欢听"Night in the Woods Vol. 1: At The End Of Everything"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· Night in the Woods Vol. 2: Hold On ... 9.9 MOT...
Night In The Woods is absolutely an amazing story game which follows our protagonist Mae Borowski living the life returning to Possum Springs. But aside with Mae she is also with her other friends who are also bandmates such as Bae Santello, Gregg Lee and Angus Delaney.For a simple platform...
首先,Night in the woods 的艺术风格从kickstarter阶段就给我留下了深刻的印象,清新明丽的画风刻画了一个让人感到很舒适的美国边缘小镇,多样化的动物拟人形象也非常抓人眼球,我并不懂艺术所以不敢乱下定义,总之本游戏的画面风格让我感觉倍儿清爽。也许你会担心这种画面看久了视觉疲劳,我可以向你保证本作的艺术设计...
The friendship between Mae and Gregg is indelible.Credit: mashable / infinite fall Mashable's entertainment team picks our Watch of the Week, TV shows and movies that you absolutely must add to your list. There's no game that speaks to the season of fall likeNight in the Woods. ...
Home AgainThe Greatest Bits Astral AlleyThe Greatest Bits Possum SpringsThe Greatest Bits Finding BeaThe Greatest Bits Batter UpThe Greatest Bits Rainy DayThe Greatest Bits Mallard's TombThe Greatest Bits Angus' StoryThe Greatest Bits Astral Coal TownThe Greatest Bits Gregg's WoodsThe Greatest Bits...
我推荐你去玩林中之夜(night in the woods) 玩家扮演一只从大学辍学的小猫回到家乡负鼠泉镇——一个没落的矿业小镇,在与亲友邻里的交往中度过一个秋天。游戏的主要玩法就是合理利用自己有限的时间去和他人共度以及...