Tim McGraw has been added to the cast of The Shack, an upcoming film based on the 2007 bestselling novel by William Paul Young. The faith-based drama stars Sam Worthington as a father whose young daughter was kidnapped and believed to have been murdered while on a family camping trip. Yea...
and Sung-yeol worries that he may not be able to manage his mission for the prince. Myung-hee sweetly tells him to have faith in himself, since he has never failed at something he set out to do. He’s encouraged at her
Cap. And so is now, or was so very late: For but a month ago I went from hence,And then ’twas fresh in murmure (as you know What great ones do, the lesse will prattle of,) That he did seeke the loue of faire Oliuia Vio. What’s shee?Cap. A vertuous maid, the daughter ...
He was wearing a baseball cap and a denim jacket, dancing with his friends to Junior Vasquez’s extravagant mix of gospel-y, piano-laced house music. He danced for hours, availing himself of his right as a gay man to lose himself on the dance floor. I don’t think I saw a single...