😖 后来,我发现诊所的Night Guard价格高达680美元,而且不是一次性的,每年可能都需要更换。偶然间,我看到一个牙科实验室的广告,离我家很近,第二天就去了。结果发现,100美元就能搞定,而且非常舒适,现在我也一直在使用。😍 更棒的是,牙模也送给我了。于是,我把牙模寄到🍑上的一个商户,他们扫描了我的牙齿数据...
Disclaimer! Don't use this App for medical decisions. It comes with absolutely no warranty. Use it at your own risk! You can use nightguard to submit your bg v…
Disclaimer! Don't use this App for medical decisions. It comes with absolutely no warranty. Use it at your own risk! You can use nightguard to submit your bg v…
Disclaimer! Don't use this App for medical decisions. It comes with absolutely no warranty. Use it at your own risk! You can use nightguard to submit your bg v…
Or think on Him who bore thy name,Graze after thee and weep.For, washed in life’s river,My bright mane for ever Shall shine like the gold As I guard o'er the fold.'【袁可嘉 译】夜 太阳往西方下沉,黄昏的星星照耀,鸟儿在窠里寂静,我也寻找我的巢。月亮像一朵花 开在天庭高高的枝桠,一...
中文名:I Am Club Security Guard Night 我是俱乐部保安英文版成为一名保安来检查客人,看看他们身上是否有违禁物品或是是否进行了乔装打扮,利用你的经验去进行判断。同时及时揪出危险因素来保证俱乐部能够安全运行,看看你的判断能力如何。 我是俱乐部保安最新版介绍 成为一名保安人员,检查机场的可疑物品。 我是俱乐部保安...
Save on your custom night guard: order online with free shipping with 110% money-back guarantee! Professional quality night guards for teeth grinding.
牙医建议?试试night guard! 有一次洗牙的时候,牙医告诉我,我有磨牙的习惯,建议我做一个night guard。一开始我还挺犹豫的,觉得平时也没什么不适,而且睡觉时嘴里多出个东西感觉挺别扭的。 不过,最终我还是听从了建议,做了一只night guard。没想到,才戴了一个星期,它就磨成了这个样子😂。虽然图片可能看不太清楚...
Skip the dentist visit! Order a night guard from Clear Comfort Night Guards. Buy a custom mouthguard with free shipping and a 45-day money-back guarantee.