People with astigmatism may find themselves squinting to focus or reduce the glare they perceive from light sources. While this may seem ‘normal’ to those who have had astigmatism from an early age, those who have developed astigmatism often wonder why lights appear this way. To understand why...
night drivingrefractive errorPurpose: To investigate the effect of uncorrected astigmatism on night driving performance on a closed-road circuit. Methods: Participants included 10 drivers (mean age 24.4 卤 7.0 years), with low to moderate bilateral astigmatism (0.75-1.50 DC), who were regular ...
People with astigmatism may find themselves squinting to focus or reduce the glare they perceive from light sources. While this may seem ‘normal’ to those who have had astigmatism from an early age, those who have developed astigmatism often wonder why lights appear this way. To understand why...