The night curfew will come into effect from Monday, said a Delhi government official. Over the past couple of days, the number of new daily COVID-19 cases has almost tripled to around 300. The number of new cases per day in Delhi are the highest in the past six months. A couple of...
Delhi imposed a night curfew from 11pm till 5 am which will come into effect from Monday. The national capital has witnessed a surge in the number of coronavirus cases in the last few days. 德里从晚上11点到早上5点实行宵禁,从周一开始生效。在过去的几天里,首都见证了冠状病毒病例的激增。 On...
NEW DELHI, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) -- Local government in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh announced that night curfew would be reimposed across the state in wake of the Omicron fears, local media reported Friday. The night curfew would remain in force from 11:00 p.m to 5:00 a.m...
‘This Is the Cure’ - "Frenzied raves. Crowded bars (with free therapy). And of course, cuddle parties. Nightlife is returning to Ukraine’s capital. But revelers still have to reckon with guilty feelings. Plus curfew." Le Club - was a members-only restaurant and nightclub located at ...
The night curfew order was issued on Wednesday, and withdrawn on Thursday as the Karnataka Government said it was going by the public opinion. Meanwhile, States like Maharashtra have tightened the restrictions on the movement of people as a new mutant o
For hardcore revellers, the most rocking address in town is undoubtedly the Novotel where theD’Techdisco belts out head-banging music often well past the 11.30pm curfew. They get away with it. From here, the next kilometre along Luang Prabang Road heading towards the airport, is livened by...
NEW DELHI, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) -- The local government in northern Indian state of Punjab on Tuesday announced the closure of schools and colleges, besides imposition of night curfew to restrict public movement in the wake of surge in COVID-19 cases. ...