LIAM PAYNE..ONE DIRECTION歌曲都出现大幅上升,NIGHT CHANGES直接飙升到465万以上!排名高居第6!STORY OF MY LIFE也高位回榜第11!高达400万播放!墨西哥爆红歌曲TU BODA再度大涨!直接超过433万播放!已经排名第8!
10-16全球SPO..SAILOR SONG升至第7的新高,超420万播放!墨西哥爆火神曲TU BODA两天暴涨120万!直接冲到全球前10!接近390万!WILDFLOWER再创发专后新高,高达350万播放!LISA新单MOONLIT FLOOR上升至16位,播放量上升至320万
Foresight provides full visibility and deep insights into the health and performance of your tests and CI pipelines. Assess the risk of code changes, deal with flaky tests, see workflow and test trends over time, and improve the contributing experience with Foresight. Sign up now!ContributorsLogo...
As you make modifications to your theme and to your content, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh, just like normal.When your theme is released, only the files in _data, _layouts, _includes, _sass and assets tracked with Git will be ...
The music was so important that each of the three killers hastheir own Spotify playlist with songs from the film and of similar ilk. It’s this weird, brilliant, metatextual move that combines the bathetic world of pop acts with the numb inner lives of people who engage in brutally torturin...
Personal experience: this is definitely among the most effective remedies in our family. My oldest son has been listening to sleep stories (we use the Calm app subscription, but there are plenty of free options out there if search places like Spotify or Apple Music, or podcasts) for probably...
Subscribe viaApple Podcasts,Spotify, orRSS. Sponsor this podcast About This Page This is a Techmeme archive page. It shows how the site appeared at 9:55 PM ET, March 18, 2021. The most current version of the site as always is available at ourhomepage. To view an earlier snapshot click...
Behind the Scenes at the Big Night In for the Arts Watch Party: WRAL-TV's staffers Richard Adkins (r to l), Keith Baker & Steve Elizondo capture Rissi Palmer's live performance on the broadcast from The Mayton in Cary on Thursday, March...
Media (Youtube, Spotify, etc.) support usingJekyll Spaceshipgem. Diagram (PlantUML, Mermaid) support usingJekyll Spaceshipgem. Google Translation support. New post tag support. Pin post tag support. Also, visit theLive Demosite for the theme. ...
Remote themes are similar to Gem-based themes, but do not require Gemfile changes or whitelisting making them ideal for sites hosted with GitHub Pages.To install:Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins...