History Of The Nigerian Constitution (From Colonial Era To Present Day Nigerian Constitution) Nigeria's current third (3rd) democratic dispensation is based on the 1999 constitution, by the military administration of General Abdulsalam Abubakar,
A public deal Under the 1963 republican constitution,the president excercised (A) judicial power (B) executive power (C) nominal power (D) concurrent powers The principal of federal character was first enunciated in the (A) 1989 constitution (B)1963 constitution (C) 1999 constitution (D) 197...
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999. Accessed January 12, 2012, http://www.nigeria-law.org/ConstitutionOfTheFederalRepublicOfNigeria.htm Garner, Bryan A. Blacks Law Dictionary. Dallas: Thomson West, 2004. Google Scholar Hon, Sebastine. Constitutitonal Law and Jurisprudence in ...
List of Law Books in Nigeria Constitutional Law Author: Akande, J.O. Book: The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 Author: Nwabueze, B. O. Books: Ideas and Facts in Constitution-Making and A Constitutional History of Nigeria, London Author: Ojo, A. Book: Constitutional Law...
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