Nigerian company law requires that partnerships of more than 20 persons be incorporated and penalizes those who conduct business in violation of this requirement. The requirement has its conceptual roots in the affairs that precipitated the English Bubble ActNnona, C. George...
In exchange for your accommodating services, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company would agree to allow you to retain 10%, or US$4 million of this amount.However, to be a legitimate transferee of these moneys according to Nigerian law, you must presently be a depositor of at least US$100...
Voices from ‘Igbo Bunks’: a qualitative study of the complicity of law-enforcement agents in marijuana use in a Nigerian community Int. J. Law Crime Justice (2020), Article 100411, 10.1016/j.ijlcj.2020.100411 View PDFView articleGoogle Scholar [38] G.O. Obiechina, B.C. Isiguzo Curbing...
ISPs have described themselves as "passive conduits" and messengers who are no different from the traditional post office, which is not liable for a defamatory letter that is posted through it or a telephone company which is not responsible for an obscene call made by a user...
The circumvention of the restrictions on the private company to enjoy the benefit of the public company has exposed the inadequacy of the law to enforce the distinctions between the public and the private companies. An attempt is made in this paper to consider the relevance of the classification...
The requirements of company incorporation are those conditions which must be met before corporate legal personality is granted a company by the law. This article discusses the requirements of company incorporation in Nigeria as stipulated in the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 1990. There ...
participation in new structures of the enterprise, including even representation on company boards.The German co-determination experience was a product of a unique feature of its labour law.16 Her labour law is governed by the principle of social co- operation, which is ...
(1997). The Nigerian Tragedy, Environmental regulation of Transnational Corporations, and the Human-Right to a Healthy Environment, "Boston University International Law Journal, 15, 261-571.Eaton, J (1997) ‘The Nigerian Tragedy, Environmental Regulation of Transnational Corporations, and the Human ...
Notes, ref.Alegimenlen, O.AAfr.j.intl & Comp.lALEGIMENLEN, O.A., 1991. Petroleum development technology acquisition: a synopsis of the Nigerian experience. African Journal of International and Comparative Law, 3(3), pp. 523-544