1990年-2020年:近30年尼日利亚(Nigeria) VS 中国(China)军费支出占比趋势对比(军费支出占GDP的比重) 数据来源:世界银行 数据更新日期:2022年9月16日
tiousreformagenda.Themostfarreachingofthosewasto basethebudgetonaconservativepriceforoil,withexcesssaved inspecialExcessCrudeAccount.Theeconomyrespondedwith stronggrowthbetween2003and2010—averaging7.6percent. Growthhasbeenresilientduringtherecentglobalnancialcrisis withGDPgrowingby7percentandnon-oilgrowthremainingbuoy...
Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 1.87 per cent year-on-year in the first quarter of 2020, according to the latest GDP report released today by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). The GDP figure for Q1 2020 is the slowest quarterly growth rate since Q4 2018, wh...
Agriculture, value added to GDP 2014 4.3 % Total population of economically active 2014 21.97 % Population economically active in agriculture 2014 12 577 1 000 inhabitants Poverty head count at national poverty line 2009 46 % of population CO2 emissions from consumption of fossil fuels 2012 86.4 ...
For example, the S-curve function and exponential trend smoothing are well suited for forecasting electronic products due to the non-linear growth of technology adoption and regular product upgrade. The main drivers are GDP per capita, consumer spending per capita, and 5G penetration rate. ...
ARIMA Model for Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Evidence from Nigeriadoi:10.9734/ACRI/2020/V20I730213Enebi Yahaya AtanuHarrison Etuk EtteKingdom NwujuWilliam Chimee NwaohaSciencedomain InternationalCellular Automata for Research and Industry
GDP Deflator Growth (%) 9.9 Dec 2020 quarterly Mar 2011 - Dec 2020 GDP per Capita (USD) 2,341.862 2019 yearly 1981 - 2019 Gross Fixed Capital Formation (USD mn) 36,185.944 Dec 2020 quarterly Mar 2010 - Dec 2020 Gross National Product (GNP) (USD mn) 433,449.465 2019 yearly 1960...
(GDP). It is also one of the largest producers of SSR on the continent (AU-NEPAD,2010). Secondly, although Nigeria has a very large SSR system, including a well-organised university system where most of the SSR research takes place, its research productivity does not match its size. For...
Agriculture is one of the major sectors of Nigerian economy, contributing about 20% to gross domestic product (GDP), and more than 80% of rural population depends on this for their life and livelihoods. This sector, however, is significantly affected by climate change, and the impact could be...
Resources from water make up 5% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Flooding impacts on the successful utilization of water resources for sustainable development. It interferes and impacts water ecosystems and the services provided by the aquatic ecosystem. The impact of flooding on aquatic ...