The meaning of NIGER is river 2600 miles (4184 kilometers) long in western Africa flowing north from the Fouta Djallon region in Guinea, northeast through Mali, and southeast through Niger, then forming the border between Niger and Benin, and finally flo
2.(Placename) a river in West Africa, rising in S Guinea and flowing in a great northward curve through Mali, then southwest through Niger and Nigeria to the Gulf of Guinea: the third longest river in Africa, with the largest delta, covering an area of 36 260 sq km (14 000 sq miles...
Niger is extremely arid except along the Niger River in the southwest and near the border with Nigeria in the south, where there are strips of savanna. Most of the rest of the country is either semidesert (part of theSahel) or part of theSahara. In N central Niger is the Aïr Massif...
About 50 percent of Niger’s population is made up of the Hausa (here and below, estimates are for 1971), who speak languages of the Hausa-Kotoko group and inhabit the southern regions of the country along the border with Nigeria. The Songhai and Djerma (Zerma) live along the banks of ...
There is need for the Nigerian military command to monitor Niger Republic and Nigeria border. Need For New Security Architecture In Nigeria Influx of rams from Niger Republic and other states in north-western part of the country are said to have occasioned a crash in the prices of rams in ma...
Niger has a small but growing Salafist population, concentrated at the moment in Niamey and Maradi, the latter being just north of the border with Nigeria and close to the Islamist stronghold of Kano. Though Salafism enjoyed a brief popularity amongst certain Tuareg supporters of Iyad ag Ghali...
Niger has long been vulnerable to Islamic extremism because it shares a border with Nigeria, where Boko Haram insurgents have been carrying out attacks for a decade. But now Niger is increasingly threatened by extremists from the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara group, which carried out a 20...
majority of the populace is located in the southernmost extreme of the country along the border with Nigeria and Benin Urbanization: This entry provides two measures of the degree of urbanization of a population. The first, urban population, describes the percentage of the total population living ...
Niger is extremely arid except along the Niger River in the southwest and near the border with Nigeria in the south, where there are strips of savanna. Most of the rest of the country is either semidesert (part [source] The economy of Niger is overwhelmingly agricultural, with about 90% ...
A cholera outbreak in Niger has killed 67 people since July out of thousands of recorded cases, the UN said Thursday, citing health ministry figures. Ad The epicentre is the southern Maradi region, near the border with Nigeria where a separate outbreak has claimed nearly 100 lives, the UN hu...