Practise with one lot initially then if you are getting profits increase the lots one by one – slowly. Increase one lot every month but do it up to five lots max. 5. Make an Excel sheet and record all the trades. 6. If you are making losses for more than 3 months consecutively the...
Business News Today: Read the latest business news on the Indian economy, global market, upcoming IPOs and more. Get Live Stock Price, Stock and Share market news, Finance News, Sensex, Nifty Live, Commodity Market, IPO news, economy news, and personal f
03-Oct-2024). The margin they block is decided by the stop loss taken by the trader. Note that if there is no stop loss, then the full margin is blocked.
Your trading account will show the price change in the Nifty 50 since you bought it, so you can see your profit/loss at a glance. Use that information, along with your own research, to decide when to sell the Nifty 50 and close your position, ideally at a profit!