Mohite* and Wanyi Nie*, “Design principles for electronic charge transport in solution-processed vertically stacked 2D perovskite quantum wells.” Nature Communications, 9, 2130 (2018) Hsinhan Tsai, Reza Asadpour, Jean-Christophe Blancon, Constantinos C. Stoumpos, Oliver Durand, Joseph W. Str...
Wanyi Nie*, Yonghua Chen, Greg Smith, Yingdong Xia, Corey Hewitt, David Carroll “Nano graphite platelets enhanced blue emission in alternating current field induced polymer based electroluminescence devices using Poly (9,9-dioctylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) as the emitter” *Corresponding author, Org. ...
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Mohite* and Wanyi Nie*, “Design principles for electronic charge transport in solution-processed vertically stacked 2D perovskite quantum wells.” Nature Communications, 9, 2130 (2018) Hsinhan Tsai, Reza Asadpour, Jean-Christophe Blancon, Constantinos C. Stoumpos, Oliver Durand, Joseph W. Str...