The Nieuw Amsterdam cruise ship is Holland Amerca Line's second Signature-class cruise ship, which celebrates historic New York City with its inspired design.
阿拉斯加邮轮之旅:荷美邮轮HollandAmerica新阿姆斯特丹号NieuwAmsterdam 荷美郵輪是一家英美郵輪公司,隸屬於嘉年華公司。荷美郵輪最初於1873年在荷蘭成立,總部現位於美國西雅圖。新阿姆斯特丹号邮轮是何美邮轮公司全新豪华的船舰,邮轮造价四亿五千万美元。在2010年交付使用,总吨位为86,000吨,由意大利造船集团Marghera船厂建造,...
The Nieuw Amsterdam is Holland America's second Signature-class ship, and is the fourth ship to bear the name. The ship sails Mediterranean itineraries in spring and summer, then moves on to the Caribbean for the winter months. Nieuw Amsterdam Ship Profile & Stats Cruise Line: Holland America...
Ss Nieuw AmsterdamThe Story In Words And Pictures Of Holland America Line's Art Deco Masterpiece.William H Miller
Built in our Marghera yard and delivered there in 2010, Nieuw Amsterdam is a proud addition to the Holland America Line fleet.
Holland America是两大邮轮共同所属的公司,公司表示此次撞击没有伤亡,Oosterdam的损失很小,但Nieuw Amsterdam的6个特等客舱的走廊需要维修,维修已经开始着手进行了。 Nieuw Amsterdam本来今天要离港进行为期7天的阿拉斯加的旅程,还好被撞得不厉害,所有被撞的地方都在吃水线以上,船的适航性也不受影响。被撞的6个特等舱...
“We recently transformed space on Nieuw Amsterdam into a beautiful Morimoto By Sea restaurant, and we are thrilled to be here to officially open the dining experience for our guests,” said Michael Stendebach, vice president of food, beverage and rooms division at Holland America Line. “Adding...
发生撞船事故的两艘邮轮分别是“Nieuw Amsterdam”号(建于2010年)和“Oosterdam”号(建于2003年),均由嘉年华集团旗下的荷美邮轮(Holland America Line)所有。 根据荷美邮轮发布的讯息,5月4日上午6点50分左右,“Nieuw Amsterdam”号的船尾与“Oosterdam”号的船尾相撞,船体轻微损伤,无人伤亡。2艘邮轮船体受损部位离...
Two crew members of the 'Nieuw Amsterdam' died when the ship was in the harbour of Half Moon Cay, a private island of the Holland-America Line in the Bahamas. on March 22, 2024. The accident happened in the engine room when Joseph Terrado, the third engineer and Wawan Gusnawan, a ...